LAKC members gathered May 26th at The Nonprofit Village to elect the 2022-23 Board of Directors and Young Lawyers Section Board of Directors. Congratulations to the following members of our 2022-23 Boards, and our sincere thanks to outgoing President Kaitee Brown and YLS President Phil Raine for their dedicated leadership.
2022-23 Board of Directors
Amber Simon, President
Allison Greenfield, President-Elect
Ethan Lange, Secretary/Treasurer
Kaitee Brown, Past President
Patrick Allegri
Sheena Foye
Allison Greenfield
Sam Hofmeier
Nate Jones
Jessica McKinney
Julie Parisi
Phillip Raine
2022-23 Young Lawyers Section Officers
President: Ross Weimer
VP/President Elect: Danielle Atchison
Treasurer: Jordan May
Secretary: Nicci Gudmens
Public Service Officer: Cody Weyhofen
The following YLS members were also elected on May 26th:
John Doyle
Sierra Faler
Andrew Serrone
Bryce Slaughter
Karly Weigel